
Royal Engineered Composites Information on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

March 17, 2020

With the ever-changing situation around the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we wanted to take a moment to provide you with an update on Royal Engineered Composites’ plans over the near future.

Facility Safety & Operations

  • We are continuing to operate normally while management evaluates models to adapt, as needed.
  • Visitors to our facility are being limited to essential visitors by appointment only. All visitors will be required to complete a health questionnaire prior to entering Royal.
  • Increased cleaning of high-touch areas, such as restrooms, door knobs, and light switches.
  • Limiting physical contact with others and encouraging the use of remote communication with screen-sharing.

We are committed to meeting the delivery needs of our customers and will continue to adapt our emergency management procedures to address the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. The safety of our employees, their dependents, our visitors, and our customers is a top priority.

At this time Royal is not accepting any customer requests for expedite or increased order quantities. We will monitor the situation and release this provision when we can reliably do so.

We will continue to monitor the situation and will work with local, state, and national officials to help limit the growth of this virus in our community.

Thank you.


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